

We invest in new technology that is proven to provide better information and treatment options. We recognize that new technology changes the options available to our patients and want to ensure that we always provide our clients with the very best in optical technology. Our investment in specific equipment and processes, enable us to come to faster, more accurate conclusions about your eye health.
Corneal Mapping

Corneal topography, also known as photokeratoscopy or videokeratography, is a non-invasive medical imaging technique for mapping the surface curvature of the cornea, the outer structure of the eye. Since the cornea is normally responsible for some 70% of the eye’s refractive power, its topography is of critical importance in determining the quality of vision.


The three-dimensional map is, therefore, a valuable aid to the examining and can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of conditions; in planning refractive surgery such as LASIK and evaluation of its results; or in assessing the fit of contact lenses. A development of keratoscopy, corneal topography extends the measurement range from the four points a few millimeters apart that is offered by keratometry to a grid of thousands of points covering the entire cornea. The procedure is carried out in seconds and is completely painless.

Digital Retinal Imaging

We use cutting-edge digital imaging technology to assess your eyes.

Digital Retinal Imaging provides high quality, detailed images of your retina and sub-surface of your eyes allowing our eye doctors to evaluate the health of the back of your eye, the retina. This is a quick, safe, non-invasive and painless method to confirm the health of the retina, optic nerve, and other retinal structures. The digital camera snaps a high-resolution digital picture of your retina. This picture shows the health of your eyes and is used as a baseline to track any changes in your eyes in future eye examinations.

Our eye doctors can detect and measure any changes to your retina each time you get your eyes examined. As many eye conditions, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration are diagnosed by detecting changes over time, this technology assists a great deal in diagnosing these conditions.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

An Optical Coherence Tomography scan (commonly referred to as an OCT scan) is similar to ultrasound, employing light rather than sound waves to achieve high resolution,  color-coded, cross-sectional images of the retina. Analyzing the structural layers of the back of the eye helps our eye doctors to detect any signs of eye disease such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal detachment and diabetic retinal disease.

An OCT scan is a noninvasive, painless test which takes about 10 minutes.

Visual Field Testing

A visual field test measures the range of your peripheral or “side” vision to assess whether you have any blind spots (scotomas), peripheral vision loss or visual field abnormalities. It is a straightforward and painless test that does not involve eye drops but does involve the patient’s ability to understand and follow instructions.

The cost of a complete eye exam, medical office visits, and contact lens evaluations varies depending on the use of insurance. Seton Optometry accepts most vision and medical eye insurance plans. If you want to learn more about our eye examinations, or would like to book an appointment, please give us a call 403-276-2020. We look forward to hearing from you.